41+ Complementary Colors To Lime Green. For example, the complementary colors are the colors on the opposite sides of the color wheel. Color combinations are created using the relative positioning of the colors in the color wheel.
A combination of 4 colors that are equidistant from each other on the color circle. It looks great next to fuchsia, which is its complementary color on the color wheel. But when applied well it makes a red and pink are also a monochromatic color scheme which makes for a complementary palette.
When choosing complementary colors for lime green, use a color wheel to select colors that are next to it or directly across from it.
In the additive model of color, the complements are green and magenta, red and cyan, and complementary colors, when used together in color schemes, are especially dynamic and pleasing to the eye. In the rgb color model #a6d608 is comprised of 65.1% red, 83.92% green and 3.14% blue. 3 shimmering blues and greens. In the hsl color space #a6d608 has a hue of 74° (degrees), 93% saturation and 44% lightness.