16+ Male Dog Sheath Discharge. My male dog has a green discharge i know its called smegma but how many times will this happen and how long will this happen for please help its smegma is the natural sloughing of sheath cells and accumulation of debris, but if your dog's discharge is really greenish in color, and you've. He has been eating, sleeping, drinking and everything else fine, no changes.
My male dog has a green discharge i know its called smegma but how many times will this happen and how long will this happen for please help its smegma is the natural sloughing of sheath cells and accumulation of debris, but if your dog's discharge is really greenish in color, and you've.
Ever since my dog, a great dane, male, 4 year old, coda, was neutered he has occasionally had a yellow brown discharge drip from the tip of his penis. Balanoposthitis canine prepuce discharge.jpg 500 × 500; General facts about male dog reproductive diseases and disorders, including functional abnormalities, congenital anomalies, disturbancies of growth, and disease of the canine external sheath of the prepuce and penis. Owners of male dogs may be concerned about their dog's strong desire to escape the yard, reluctance to eat, and inability to concentrate on anything other than the scent.